Just because, 20 years ago or more, you also found yourself ensnared in Ric Flair’s figure-four or Bret Hart’s Sharpshooter doesn’t mean that Page wants you in his house. Up until now, most of the coverage of DDP Yoga has highlighted the transformations of Hall and Roberts, leading some to conclude that Page is running a rehab program for ex-wrestlers. The advice worked, the same way DDP Yoga appears to be working for Page’s wayward pals. Back when DDP was scrambling to find a place for himself on the main event tier, it was Jake who schooled him on ring psychology-how to slowly draw the fans into a match, why flashy moves don’t work if you’re not telling the right story, and the proper way to use an interview to make money for yourself. Indeed, Page knows Roberts’ mentality because, to a certain degree, he tried to emulate it. “I was in rehab three times and found it pretty easy to manipulate the counselors. “In professional wrestling, you learn how to manipulate people,” claims Roberts, who enjoyed his biggest run in WWE from 1986 to 1992. As a result, Hall says, DDP Yoga has connected with him and Roberts in a way that no other program possibly could. Hall attributes this to the fact that Page comes from the same alternate universe as the wrestlers he helps and comprehends their backward logic. But it wasn’t until he relocated to Smyrna, Ga., down the road from the home DDP shares with his girlfriend, Brenda, their respective daughters and Jake “The Snake” Roberts, that Hall insists that he started to believe the self-help jargon.

So I might as well give myself a break.”įor years, Hall has been trying to embrace this philosophy, attending 12-step programs, checking into psychiatric hospitals and moving to new cities to avoid old influences.

Now, when I look out at the highway of life, I realize the rear-view mirror is pretty small, and there’s a whole lot of possibility on the other side of the windshield.

The big difference is that, before, when I couldn’t sleep, I’d replay the tape about the mistakes I’ve made in my life, all the things I did wrong, just tormenting myself. “I was talking about it with Lex Luger (another ex-WCW World Champion), and there may be a link to multiple concussions. “I’m awake all the time,” he maintains, without the slur I’d come to expect in his voice. When Hall finally calls me a day later, he elaborates on his predicament.

“He was supposed to come here and work out with me this morning,” Page says.